exercises to arrive at a solution, but Bastogne lay nineteen air-miles The responsibility for command here was assumed directly by the VIII Corps. This attack aimed at the bridges near Burg Reuland (in the 106th Division sector) and Oberhausen, in the rear of the positions manned by the left. orders to Luettwitz' divisions were couched in very general terms. His staff and regimental commanders, appointees of Generaloberst Kurt Student, had formed a clique against the previous commander and were hostile to Heilmann.19 Furthermore, troops and troop leaders were poorly trained, coming as they had only recently from Luftwaffe ground units. Across the lines General Cota had little reason to expect that the 110th Infantry could continue to delay the German attack at the 28th Division center as it had this first day. A platoon of self-propelled tank destroyers had On the evening of 15 December the outpost troops, considerably reinforced, crossed to the west bank as usual and moved cautiously forward. The advance was delayed somewhat when the grenadiers marched into an American mine field, but by 0800 the leading Germans had reached Marnach. With this team Manteuffel hoped to win a quick penetration and get rolling. Furthermore, Middleton instructed Cota to use. Nelson also reported to General Jones at Vielsalm and set the problem before him. About 1000 the small tank-infantry team was allowed to return to its original position at Munshausen, and Fuller then ordered the tank platoon to fight its way to Clerf and help defend the town. The tankers had been told that there were no friendly troops on the road and just Outside Holzthum knocked out an antitank gun placed there by Company I. 127th Infantry Regiment. then, as seen by Manteuffel and Luettwitz, was not how to achieve the . in house-to-house fighting with Company D and Company B, 103d Engineer The sector at the Our River in which Luettwitz' corps would begin the attack was a little over seven miles wide, the villages of Dahnen on the north and Stolzembourg on the south serving as boundary markers. Although the enemy had seized all of the ground which the 112th Infantry was occupying east of the Our and finally had secured a bridgehead at Ouren, the cost to him on 17 December had been high. Destroyer Battalion. The 28ID is the oldest continuously serving division in the United States Army. to the Our bridges in the 3d Battalion area led the regimental commander Before daybreak on 18 December the survivors, now only a handful, started west. The Lewistown unit was redesignated as Machine Gun Troop, 104th Cavalry, 22nd Cavalry Division. In January 1910, the Logan Guards (Lewistown) were redesignated as Company M, 8th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment and Company A, 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Huntingdon) was redesignated as Company F, 8th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, 5th Infantry (Altoona) was redesignated as Company G, 10th Infantry, and Company B, 5th Infantry (Bellefonte) was redesignated Company L, 12th Pennsylvania Infantry. The unit was transported to and garrisoned at El Paso, Texas for training, but was never utilized because hostilities ended. In the darkness and confusion many stragglers made their way into Bastogne and Vaux-lez-Rosires. The German plans had been altered during the day, but of course some was low and the short winter day was drawing to a close-with the likelihood that the small garrisons would be overwhelmed in the darkness by sheer weight of numbers. Interviewees include company commanders, platoon leaders . The 3d Battalion, fighting mostly against infantry, had held its own through the day, aided greatly by the possession of the pillbox line, far stronger than the defensive positions in the 1st Battalion sector. By 0630 the grenadiers were behind the command post of the 1st Battalion (Lt. Col. William H. Allen) in Harspelt; the first sign of their presence was a kitchen truck ambushed while journeying to the rear. With the few troops remaining, Milton successfully made his way cross-country to the west. As each company debarked it marched inland to the line of departure which the outpost force now held close to the American garrison points. The dates of its approval and amendment are also the same. 3d Battalion sector, compressing the American companies in the village This place is not healthy anymore.". West of the ridge, Company L in Holzthum and the headquarters company and Company M in Consthum barred a direct approach to the Clerf crossing site at Wilwerwiltz. It will be recalled that the troops at Consthum held the 901st Panzer Grenadier, Regiment at bay until the afternoon of 18 December and, even as they withdrew, continued to block the road to Wiltz. On General Middleton's order, CCR, 9th Armored Division, had put a task force backstop position behind the threatened center of the 28th Division. There was no hint from any source that the enemy was about to strike squarely into the center of the 8th Division and in overwhelming array. A whole series of monkey wrenches had been thrown into the well-oiled machinery of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division. General Middleton agreed, but with the proviso that the regiment should remain close enough to the river to deny an enemy crossing. Company B held Marnach. of the 2d Battalion (Lt. Col. J. L. MacSalka) assembled in a draw between This unit now relieved the provisional It had held on at Munshausen, with the 110th Cannon Company and a section of tank destroyers, all through the 17th.12 The riflemen and cannoneers made a fight of it, barricading the village streets with overturned trucks, fighting from house to house. This road makes a twisted and tortuous descent to the valley floor, finally crossing the river at the southeastern edge of the town and proceeding, through narrow streets until it emerges on the north. The 2d Battalion the story of the 112th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division in the battle for Schmidt, Germany. Fortunately Major Woodward, the battalion commanding officer, was suspicious of this route. In 2006, the battalion reorganized again with Headquarters and Headquarters Company in Lewistown, Company A (less detachment) in Huntingdon; Detachment 1, Company A in Everett; Company B in Altoona, and Company C (led detachment) in Bellefonte with Detachment 1, Company C in Tyrone. The American howitzers, south of Wiltz, also took a hand in slowing the German attack. To compensate for the armored weakness of the battered division, two battalions of armored tank destroyers and an assault gun brigade were given Bayerlein just before the attack to the west began. During the Battle of the Bulge the 112th RCT managed to . The 112th remained an organic unit of the 28th Infantry Division throughout World War II.[5]. The best troops and newest equipment were placed in the division reconnaissance battalion, heavily reinforced, which was slated to join the reconnaissance battalion of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division in spear-heading the advance once the Clerf River had been crossed. U.S. Army photo. Division likely to be encountered during the first hours of the attack During WWII the regiment landed in Normandy in 1944, after D-Day, where it became the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team (RCT). On German operations maps Wiltz lay athwart the boundary which divided the attack zones of the XLVII Panzer Corps and the LXXXV Corps. At Weiler the rest of the company and the antitank platoon, their supply of ammunition dwindling, also awaited the tanks. Shortly before dark the 60-ton bridges were completed at Gemnd and Dasburg (inexperienced engineers and the difficulties attendant on moving the heavy structures down to the river bed had slowed construction markedly), and the German tanks and assault guns moved across to give the coup de grce to the villages still defended by the 110th Infantry. It arrived in Clerf with nineteen medium tanks. the 447th Antiaircraft Battalion, and light armored cars of the 28th West of Harspelt the self-propelled tank destroyer platoon from the 811th arrived in time to destroy four of the panzers, but at the cost of all but one of its own guns. The approach road on the east bank was Crest: that for the regiments and separate battalions of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard: From a wreath argent and azure, a lion rampant guardant proper holding in dexter paw a naked scimitar of the first, hilted or and in sinister an escutcheon of the first on a fess sable three plates. A part of the German company, perhaps a platoon in strength, succeeded in reaching the stone bridge over the Our south of Ouren, but was dispersed. Southeast of the town patrol at the stone bridge had evaporated under machine gun fire-and These units combined have 17 campaign streamers from the American Civil War: Po Valley, Manassas, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Atlanta, Fredericksburg, Vicksburg, the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Battle of Appomattox, Virginia 1861, South Carolina 1862, Mississippi 1863, Tennessee 1863. Attached below and to the sides of the shield a Silver scroll inscribed "STRIVE OBEY ENDURE" in blue letters. The remainder of the casualties were fairly evenly split between the 109th Infantry to the . The Tyrone unit was mustered into federal service for World War II as Troop B, 104th Mechanized Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron. The 1st Platoon of Company I had The 687th Field Artillery Battalion pulled out to the southwest and the 3d Battalion also started to move, under the impression that this was the plan. whereupon the light tank platoon destroyed its single remaining tank 123th Infantry Regiment. About 1700 he radioed new orders: the 112th Infantry was to fight a stiff delaying action along the line Weiswampach-Trois Vierges, and thence toward Bastogne. 112th Infantry Regiment. by HistoryNet Staff 6/12/2006. 110th Infantry Regiment; 112th Infantry Regiment ; 107th Field Artillery Battalion; 108th Field Artillery Battalion; 109th . This had been accomplished by noon on the first Although Fuller pled for the return of the 2d Battalion to his regiment, Cota refused to release this last division reserve. DECEMBER 1944. restored while the commander of the 1130th reported that his The Bellefonte Fencibles were mustered as Company H, 2d Pennsylvania Volunteers. The second battalion's Companies G and H lost a combined total of 200 men out of 230 when they were cut off at Fismette and fended off a frontal attack on their position by a thousand German soldiers. Most of the tanks and assault guns were out of action, there were insufficient machine guns to cover the final protective line, radio communication between the desperate units was practically nonexistent, searchlight rays glancing from the low clouds lighted the path of the attackers, and ammunition was running very low. To the east, at Dasburg, the German engineers were straining to finish the tank bridge which would bring the German armor into play. When daylight came, the German infantry already were stealing through the draws behind and around the forward platoons, aiming to assemble in the wooded areas to the rear.14. In 1920, the Tyrone unit was redesignated Troop B, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and the Bellefonte unit was redesignated Troop L, 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry. 28th Infantry Division The 28th Division was destined to move againdestined for another job (the Gloomy Hurtgen Forest). his assistance, probably to be in position to give support by the late Early morning reports of considerable German penetration and the threat Co-ordination between small packets of infantry and armor, hard at best, was made most difficult by this kind of piecemeal commitment. Next to the paved through highway via Clerf, the Wiltz valley offered the best avenue westward. the thin infantry line on the Wahlhausen road. Intelligence reports indicated that the elements of the US 28th Infantry The 26th Volks Grenadier Division poured more troops into the All VIII Corps units were to hold their positions until they were "completely untenable," and in no event would they fall back beyond a specified final defense line. Throughout the day the American outposts watched masses of foot troops and vehicles defile westward through Heinerscheid, only some two thousand yards to the south. On the right its 1st Battalion marched on Hosingen, bringing flame throwers and self-propelled guns to blast the Americans from the village; the 2d Battalion moved straight for the Clerf River, aiming at control of the crossings and road net at Wilwerwiltz. Colonel Nelson decided to pull back through Huldange since enemy tanks were known to be in Trois Vierges. Source Documents: Danny S. Parker, Battle of the Bulge, Hitler's Ardennes Offensive, 1944-1945, 1991, Combined Book Inc, Hong Kong; Shelby S. Stanton, Order of Battle US Army, Presidio Press, Novato, California, 1984; different additional sources. The bulk of his two divisions, as a consequence, faced the 112th Infantry, albeit the corps zone overlapped somewhat the sectors of the 106th Infantry Division in the north and the 110th Infantry in the south. 112th Infantry Regiment. The group never established contact, however, and most of its members were captured when they attempted to break away the following morning. Manteuffel had no precise schedule for his right wing but after the war was over would say that he had hoped for the seizure of St. Vith on the first day of the attack. The Huntingdon unit went through several redesignations including a quartermaster company and finally Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment of the 154th Transportation Truck Battalion. The mission remained, but the troops available on 16 December were less than half the number promised: one armored division, the 116th Panzer Division, and two-thirds of an infantry division, the 560th Volks Grenadier Division. In any case the defenders made radio contact (their last) with the 28th Division as late as 0528 on the morning of 18 December. He personally rated four of his armored divisions as good attack formations (the 116th, 2d, Panzer Lehr, and Fuehrer Begleit), and his panzer corps commanders were of his own choosing. 103d Engineer Combat Battalion 103d Medical Battalion 28th Division Artillery. 112th CT : 8th Div : 15 Nov 44-19 Nov 44 : 112th CT : 106th Div : 19 Dec 44-23 Dec 44 : 109th Inf : 9th Armd Div : 20 Dec 44-22 Dec 44 : 109th CT: 10th Armd Div: 22 Dec 44-26 Dec 44: 3d Bn 112th Inf: 82d Abn Div: 23 Dec 44-25 Dec 44: 2d Bn 112th Inf: 75th Div: 28 Dec 44-4 Jan 45: 112th CT: 30th Div: 5 Jan 45-11 Jan 45: 112th Inf: 78th Div : 19 . But the enemy armor weight was too heavy, nor could it be checked by the handful of tanks and light assault guns remaining to the 707th Tank Battalion. Although this final word seems to have reached Ouren about 1600, Colonel Nelson did not act immediately on the order because he still had hopes that the entrapped 1st Battalion could be. By that night the defenders were without ammunition, but they continued the battle with hand grenades, withdrawing slowly and stubbornly from house to house. At Heinerscheid, Company A had been overrun in The next day General Cota ordered the battalion to Wiltz, where it would take part in the defense of the division headquarters. (Lewistown) and the Bellefonte Fencibles, both organized in 1858. The regiment was awarded battle streamers marked Normandy, Northern France, Ardennes-Alsace, Rhineland, and Central Europe for its service in World War II. At the top of the ascent the tanks met: four German tanks were knocked out, three American tanks destroyed. To the surprise of the division staff the task of re-equipping and replenishing the 26th went amazingly fast for the beginning of the sixth year of the war. At one point, after the fight for Kommerscheidt, the regiment was reduced to 300 men. *AIR broken up into three separate armored Infantry battalions. been deployed along the Wahlhausen road on the forward slope of the Lamoine Olsen, known to his friends as Frank Olsen, joined the Pennsylvania Army National Guard in 1941 prior to America's entry into World War II. Since the American troops east of the Our were deployed in the Ltzkampen-Sevenig area, Krueger determined that his main effort should be made there. Table of Contents. Descent to the town and its bridges is made on this side by two winding roads. The battle for Schmidt, Germany 104th Cavalry, 22nd Cavalry Division Paso, Texas training! Attached below and to the paved through highway via Clerf, the should. 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