The orientation leader will divide the group into two teams, organized into twoparallel lines. Whoever catches the ball next must repeat the sound made, then throw the ball to another person making their own unique sound. Repeat that with each member of the circle. Ask the group to try and figure out who is connected to each fact. For this icebreaker, everyone can take turns in sharing their hot takes and either bond with their coworkers who agree or debate their naysayers. Have coworkers read through a list of Most likely To titles and assign them to one another. Even if your coworkers arent tuned into NYFW, theyre sure to recognize some of the most popular clothing brands. They will continue talking about themselves, sharing things that they like. I bet anyone who watched Squid Games in 2021 is familiar with this game, and if you havent, the rules are simple (and the stakes are much, much lower.). Choose when a round ends (we recommend giving everyone 30 to 60 seconds). The orientation leader will prepare a list of sentences. 5. Instruct the group to find three different students in the room that they share something in common with. Want to make new employee onboarding even smoother? Employee orientation often gives employees a birds-eye view of the company. Here are 10 icebreakers to promote productivity and teamwork at your next new hire orientation: 1. Looking for simple icebreaker questions, that dont require any further rules or materials? And even if you work remotely, team bonding is an important part of running a productive, effective team. Here are a few ideas which you might find useful and effective for remote employees. Once theyve introduced their partner, open the floor up for 30 seconds-to-one-minute of questions. Simply split up your team into groups, and give each group a shortlist of items to find if you work in a smaller space, maybe you can hide some funny items around the office ahead of time. As the game progresses, eliminate any players who laugh or make noise when it is not their turn. Why we love this new employee orientation icebreaker: Trivia is a super fun and interactive way to break the ice and allow your new hires to get to know each Once they have been given their materials, set a timer and get ready to build! Break the group off into pairs and give them some time to get to know one another. This icebreaker is ideal for groups smaller than 20. This game is great because it's high-energy and encourages employees to talk to and get to know one another by prompting them to speak about certain topics. For the icebreaker, pass out the bingo cards and instruct the orientees to find people whom the bingo spots apply to. The last person must try to guess what the original prompt was. Make sure to go over each clue with your group afterward so that they know what they missed and where to find it next time. You can alsorepeat this by having each student state their intended major and why they chose it. Scavenger hunt. Some employees may feel anxious to get back to whatever project theyre working on. Plus, the combination of knowing that everyone else feels just as awkward as you do and being able to have some quick, no-stakes conversations helps students relax. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. Try our Starter Plan today! Once everyone is done, have the group find either someone with similar or opposite descriptors. Having a smaller group makes it easier for employees to get to know each other because you have fewer people to involve and manage and fewer things for everyone to remember. Some can be as simple as "Would you rather", "2 Truths and a Lie", "Team Scavenger Hunt", or "Favorite Animal". Separate your students into groups of 4-5. Some icebreakers are conducted in a group while some can be completed individually. Arrange team members in a big circle and ask for a volunteer to go first. Even just a 10-minute of coffee break could make such a big difference. The orientation leader shouldbe the first to remove a random students placeholder. - What do you think your previous team valued about you? Ask each new employee to write down a strange or unusual fact about themselves (work-appropriate, of course) on a slip of paper. Talent show Ask for a few volunteers who want to - Have a facilitator come up with a list of objects that employees need to find in their homes. At any point, the orientation leader can yell train wreck! and everyone must get up and move to a new seat. This could range from showing how to do quick origami, do a magic trick, or even giving a pointer or two on couponing from your coworker who always keeps an eye out for the latest deals. But heres the problem: Everything youve found so far iswell, a little cheesy. There are a few reasons this game works as both a great ice breaker and a team-building exercise. Once the one motion is completed, you must be frozen in that position until it is your turn again. If both of your hands get hit, you are out. These commonalities cannot be visible (so not hair color, eye color, etc). Set the two sub-groups up in a line facing each other. This icebreaker works by asking your coworkers to choose one of their favorite songs from a certain genre. Once all the students have formed into their groups they will arrange their comic strip frames in chronological order. An alternative to the partner introduction that will still serve to help Everyone can guess what adjective someone is trying to convey, and can even share why if they want to. Heres a chance for your team to collaborate on something together. Go around the room and ask each of them to share a quick fact about their hometown and why they decided to attend your institution. The game continues with a new letter for each match-up until all the players on one team are eliminated. The group must now untangle themselves into a circle without letting go of one another. I have three brothers. Think you cant pull this off with your own group? Familiarizing a new hire with his co-workers is another crucial element of employee orientation. Disqus. Team members need to repeatedly recite their answers aloud while wandering around the room to find other people saying that same answer. Once everyone is finished, switch up the groups. Your new employee orientation is typically a presentation or interactive course for your new hires to get acquainted with the company culture as well as the policies and procedures you have in place. The One Word ice breaker allows you to provide initial context into a meeting's topic, and get everyone in the right mindset for discussion. Instead of taking your new recruits on a tour of the office, let them explore their new workspace for themselves with a fun scavenger hunt. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. Develop the right techniques for hiring remote employees. Enjoy! Keep going until all employees have answered the same number of questions. Continue going around the group. At the end, have everyone share which slide belonged to them. The teams who are willing to test multiple design iterations and those who dont waste time playing the role of CEO, tend to do best. Although introductions might be an ordinary and terribly uninteresting ice-breaker for new employee orientation, adding a twist can make the simple round-robin This is a great reflection exercise for the very beginning or very end of orientation. Building a community within the office helps foster productivity, collaboration, In this icebreaker, the leader holds an imaginary ball in their hand and throws it to other players, making whatever sound they think it would with that gesture. If your goal is simply to encourage team bonding, your quiz can be more fun like, "Match the lyrics with this 80's song." Designate a team member ahead of time to share their popular or unpopular opinion. After a few minutes, have the group reconvene and have each student introduce the person whose plane they found with their name, the question they wrote, and what their response was. Sometimes it may include an introduction from the CEO or Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, (and as it always has) rock crushes scissors.. Using Podcasts to Increase College Student Engagement, Institutional Strategies to Increase College Student Engagement, Boost Learning Outcomes and Earnings with These Student Organization Fundraising Tips, 5 Mindfulness Practices You Can Engage Students in Virtually. For this game, youll need to prepare by purchasing two identical jigsaw puzzles. Bonus points if you ask them whether theyd label themselves as a hero or villain. Things can also get awkward fast if the new employee orientation games arent right for the team size or dynamic. Outside of the workplace, your teammates are people with aspirations and goals you wouldnt know about from the average coffee chat. In this article we wanted to discuss how to get your employees engaged. This time ask the partners to find ten things they have in common. There are hundreds of superheroes from Marvel and DC, and chances are your coworkers are familiar with them, too. We recommend not letting your team members know about this activity ahead of time. (For larger groups, you can split them up into smaller groups.). People integration. Have everyone get into a circle and one person will start. Someone with that same interest should either drop a note in the chat or raise their hand. Spooky? Toss the slips into a container and start picking them at random and reading them out loud. These suggestions will be sure to make your employees love their jobs. Its important to note that no two people will have more than one tile to ensure everyone is included. For this icebreaker, all you have to do is answer the question about your favorite things. Building social ties and facilitating team bonding is just one piece of the very important onboarding puzzle that sets new employees up for success in your company. Have team members walk around and mingle amongst themselves in a large, open space. The person next to them repeats that word, while also adding another word that somehow links to the first (like big hippo). There are existing quizzes like Strengthfinder and Myers-Briggs, to sillier ones that will help co-workers laugh together like discovering which Hogwarts house everybody belongs to. When the orientation leader says go the first person will tap on the shoulder of the student in front of them and act out the prompt. Shuffle a deck of cards and hand out one card per student. After everyone has introduced themselves, go through and see how many names are remembered bonus points for remembering the motions, too! Everyonemust sing (or try to sing) for the song to count. If supplies are needed, let your team know ahead of time. Icebreaker games help lighten the atmosphere, boost camaraderie, and provide team members with a fun venue to share their thoughts, likes, dislikes, and unique characteristics. You or your teammate will share one bucket list item. WebThats where icebreakers come in. Make sure everyone writes their names down! Use these icebreakers to help ensure that your students feel confident for the journey that lies ahead. At HubSpot, we conduct a scavenger hunt for new hires on the first day of their training. Whoever does not notice that they have been pointed to or does not respond quickly enough is out. After every few statements, replace the tappers so that every person in the group has the chance to both give and receive recognition. Once everyone is finished, they must present their poems to the group. Also known as new employee orientation, new hire orientation is designed to bring new hires up to speed on everything related to your company. An icebreaker game is an activity or discussion created to help ease team members into a group setting and help them share, learn, and get to know each other better. - What's the most unusual job you've ever had? If the meeting is in-person, write it on the board. Gather your entire team in a room and ask a simple question (for example, Whats your favorite color?). The list continues below read on to find fun icebreaker games, ice breakers for large teams, and more. Have team members share some bucket list items they want to achieve in the future. Use this as your guide, and youll stage a warm welcome that inspires enthusiasm, rather than groans and eye rolls. Have everyone vote on the corniest joke either via Zoom poll or by keeping tabs on a notepad. The person who guesses correctly the quickest earns the most points. Once everyone has their statements written down, go around the room and have team members read their notes aloud. Ask which hero they would like to be and why based on their stories or abilities. For this game, have everyone bring in an embarrassing photo and tell the story behind it. The envelopes are to be shuffled and chosen once at a time by the leader to read aloud to the rest of the group. Youd be surprised how hard it is to maintain a frown when surrounded by your favorite colleagues, not to mention how funny theyll look during the game. If you do your employee onboarding remotely you can use digital scavenger hunts too! On the count of three, they must face their partner, look each other in the eyes, and then try to remain absolutely solemn and silent. Your onboarding process should be effective, flexible, and personal - even if your team is remote. Allow the team to try and guess who wrote it. With a fun icebreaker that doesnt cut too much into the workday, your team will be much more interested and engaged. 3. Doing this icebreaker is a great way to build connections remotely. Gather your group and dedicate some time forstudents to think of their two truths and a lie. Every player will have a chance to put their own spin on the budding story, and can even try to throw the next participant for a loop with a crazy situation. If another ninja is successful in hitting your hand, you must put that arm behind your back and continue with one arm. Youll also get brownie points if you save and share some of the funniest drawings and share them with the team on Slack afterward. Once everyone has finished writing down their own traits, have them go search for their trait twin for each thing they wrote down. After the time is up, the orientation leader will be the judge to decide the best tower. This activity is short, but delightfully telling youll find out where your team members were born without needing to ask and having everyone take a turn. Repeat this using the left hand, except holding the hand of a different player than before. Their turn will begin, and they will share a new interest. Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness. - What interest haven't you pursued, but have always wanted to and why? The group is instructed to line up according to their birthdays but in complete silence. - Have the facilitator give each employee a clue that refers to each item on the list. Each student will add one word to the story try to build it as long as you can. The idea of an icebreaker may make teams feel a little hesitant, due to how mind-numbing they could be in school. Sometimes, having a fun ice breaker game or activity can aid in that connection. each student will help craft a story, one word at a time. - What do you want your colleagues to know about your work ethic? Dont be afraid to get creative! For example, We both have brown hair wont work. This ice breaker can promote team bonding, and it's one of the easier options on the list. The leader of the icebreaker will then yell out a random number under 10. Each orientation leader will choose comic strips with the same number of frames as the number of students in their group (so if you have 8 orientees, youll need comic strips with 8 frames). On a similar note to heroes, find out what powers your coworkers would rather have and why. Have everyone follow the same instructions to make a craft like simple origami, a drawing, or painting by a designated instructor in the Zoom call or YouTube tutorial. Whoever guesses correctly gets bragging rights. In Tall Tales, each player will make up three sentences to add to a running story. Break the students up into pairs and send them off with their list and these simple instructions: Find as many of thethings on the list as you can in the time allotted. There are plenty of poses or facial expressions to capture, especially if youve got a kooky team to work with. You might also hear this one called fact or fiction. Everyone should write down three things about themselves on a piece of paper. You can split your students into small groups, allowing each student to share their sentence with their group mates. Ask coworkers which genres theyd rather watch, or which theyd want to be in. "The person sharing gets to decide whether or not to elaborate, and everyone listens without response. Ask each student to write a fill-in-the-blank sticky note or index cards. Meg Prater, Senior Content Marketing Manager of the HubSpot blog, says "When I first started including ice-breaker questions in our weekly team stand-up meetings, the experience was cringeworthy. Simon Says is a game as old as time, but it never stops being fun. One of the more classic ice breakers in the list, Two Truths and a Lie can be used anywhere from family parties to company events. This ones a no-brainer. Once you've passed out the bingo cards, let all the players wander around with a bingo board and pen. This continues until only a few students are left. You can try to get everyone to make silly or scary faces, or even try to mimic the Brady Bunch title sequence. That student will stand or sit in the middle of the circle, introduce themselves, and share one thing about themselves. This simple game helps with memorization in an active way. Even though icebreakers can be tough to get through in the beginning, they can be a lot of fun after you do your first! Jump to: In this ice breaker, playoff your teammates artistry and create a scenario of their masterpieces. Explore more uncommon talents and see which your coworkers would like to have in this type of questionnaire. Here are 10 icebreakers you can use at your next new hire orientation to foster teamwork and productivity: 1. Start with a random team member or yourself. If youre on Zoom, post the question on the chat or share it via your screen. To play, simply go around the room and have each person provide an answer to a fun question. If you want to make it even more fun, you can create riddle clues for each place. Once everyone has completed the personality assessment, have each colleague mention one thing they agree or disagree with from their results. To get the most value out of your team bonding moments, we've compiled a list of the best ice breaker activities and games for the workplace. Task each team with picking an item they would use to survive if stranded on a desert island. Would you rather go on a hike or see a movie? It can also be helpful as a way of lightening the mood on teams that regularly deal with stressful projects or situations. This can be a fun and interesting bonding game that also lets each employee shine. But we kept at it. The first person will say their name and their favorite hobby. Some quick, easy and funny icebreaker questions for work include:The zombie apocalypse is here! What 3 celebrities do you want on your side?Whats your go-to karaoke song?If music played every time you entered a room, what would you want your theme song to be?Which sandwich is the perfect sandwich, and why?If you had to live the rest of your life in the world of a TV show, which show would you choose? Thatperson then says zop while pointing to a third person. This one also works great as a late-night event during orientation week. Once they all have completed this, they will present a summary of their findings to the group at large. Choose the categories youd like for the game, such as Animals, Long words, and Things with tails.. Make it fun. Divide meeting participants into smaller groups. - When everyone has shared their roses and thorns, they are then asked to share a "bud." The twist is that the marshmallow has to be on top. - Are you a morning person or a night person? If your institution has a large population of international students, make sure you use a space large enough for students to sprawl to their home country. Editors Note: Hey reader! This allows employees to learn about everyone through a quick one-on-one chat. This is one you can easily do via email or your instant message platform. For instance, I might say, "I once auditioned for the TV show Zoom. Give each student a balloon to blow up and tie, but dont let them know what question is inside of it. Each student will write on a blank card with one-to-three statements about themselves. Have every group come up with a plot for the next blockbuster. Enter a nickname (dont worry; this wont automatically start a game). Give the two students at the end of the line something to act out (i.e. With the Rose, Thorn, Bud icebreaker, team members can quickly convey whats on their mind by sharing three bits of information: Rose: A recent positive happening like a personal highlight or win, Thorn: A challenge or roadblock they need support on, Bud: An idea for the future theyd like to share, or excitement for events in motion. Make sure your theme is chosen in good judgment. You dont have to be Picasso to have take part in this icebreaker. Team members should drop their guess in the chat. This could work like, Simon says touch your hips, Simon says hop on one foot, Simon says touch your nose touch your ears! Whoever does the action (like touching your ears) will be booted out of the game because it wasnt a Simon says action. For a solution that can ensure an intuitive onboarding process that will help smoothly integrate new employees into your organisation, check out Qualee. Click the Invite button and share the link with your colleagues. Share the presentation a week prior to the meeting so team members can add their childhood photos. This article offers ideas for a few different icebreakers that you can do as part of your employee onboarding process. Each student then must come up with something they are excited about that starts with the letter they have stopped on. This icebreaker works best with larger groups of students (52 or so, to be more precise), so its ideal for a multi-group mixer or for some of your very first getting-t0-know-you events. Free and premium plans. Instead, encourage your pairs to find commonalities in their history, personalities, and circumstances. They give people the Whisper Down the Lane is an icebreaker game where team members form a larger circle and share a random message whispered into the ear of someone to their left. What was the first concert you ever went to? Would you rather have a horrible short-term memory or a horrible long-term memory? Pick one player to start the game, saying ha once. Gather the cards, then pass them out at random and have the students find the cards original owner. The rest of the players will then guess the identity of the envelope in hand but they must be confident in their answer as each player only has one chance to guess per envelope. The orientation leader has a large ball of yarn and asks the group to sit in a circle. Each round, the game will highlight a random letter of the alphabet and let players come up with any noun or phrase that starts with said letter. Even if you think you already know your team well, youre bound to be surprised. While its important for your new employees to begin making connections with each other, you also want to encourage them to begin building rapport with other members of the company. Copy the link and share it with your colleagues. Allow team members to enter their answers on the chat or write it on a notepad. This icebreaker is best suited for new hires who may feel more reserved as they virtually meet the team. This continues in a repeating sequence (zip, zap, zop). There's information that you have to get through, and for at least part of the day, They will then say their names and what they have in common (This is Alex, and my name is Franklin, and we both like dogs.). Allow the teams time to deliberate and then ask them to present the item they chose and why. Planning a few new hire orientation games will help you break up those mundane to-dos while encouraging your team members to get to know each other and forge some beneficial bonds. One of the first ways you get to greet somebody in the workplace is with a handshake. How to Create an Efficient Workload Management Process, What Is the Scaled Agile Framework? 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