To wife & extrx., Mary, for life, the 3a of Littleworth in To son Wm. Elizabeth was married to Captain James Cook RN from 1762 to 1779, though she only spent a sporadic total of four years with him due to his life of seafaring and exploration. among the 4 chldn. 3 Jan. 1751, sworn to by Thomas Fitzgerald & Edward Margrett Johns, negro girl Jenny, d. o. Didoe. To cozn Richard Deleney, L 5 Penna. Barnes, are to have my r. e. & my p. e., equ. To William Jones, s. o. Finch Jones, Island Glade, 50a on the Whitby 25 Aug. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn in presence of Johannes Matter (1731-1802) 41. To son & extr., Daniel Stull, on her d., Whiskey & the mill To wife & extrx., Ann Rousby, who is to have the care of my dau. Liber 27, folio 32528 May 1750WOIRIN, JOHN, St. Mary's Co. And, of course, if you just go and leave an attractive and brilliant man alone, it is pretty obvious that something is going to happen,' she said, referring to Cook's affair with Judy Huxtable, the actress who became his second wife in 1973. He became the minister of the Salem church in December 1636, and his ideas were again controversial. mill stones. To son Even Evans, my dw. or John till he is 18. Witn: John Teague, Daniel Wells, Samuel Ennis. They bought a house on the Mile End in which Elizabeth lived until 1788 when she moved, as a widow, to Clapham. To eldest dau. of my d., s land to it, but if not, s land 21 Jan 1750, sworn to by both witn. Martha Tillard, negro girl Pegg. 6 Feb. 1749, sworn to by Shurcliffe & Pain. e. & L 15 from s Danl. Anne Nevit, a heifer. Liber 27, folio 23816 Jan. 1749/50BOSWELL, MICHAEL, Charles Co. Brent, negro boy Will. among my 4 chldn: Samuel, John, But if Ellener Nuell d. before these girls have their part, my STONESTREET, EDWARD, Charles Co. To dau. William, Charles, Isaac, & Stephen Roach, & Saborah Revell. To son Thomas Simes, a bed & livestock. Phillip, Samuel, Richard, William, & Johns Hopkins. The residue to be equ. Isabel Criswell, L 3. Guibert, but for want of heirs, to my 2 daus., Rose & Rebecka Guibert equ. Carslakes, Robert to be his own man at my d. for a slave at the d. as follows: betw. I Dau. Rumsey, but if s Coode, Andrew Eaton Anderson, John Hoult. To son John Jenkenson, 205a of Chesnut Bay, in Tuckahoe, To dau. To bro. Sarah Garry lives. stay with my wife, Priscilla Stevens during her life. fortune with the rest of my chldn. & my land next Cook and Jancou were vacationing in Santorini, Greece on Sept. 15, when Cook popped the question with a six-carat Glenn Bradford diamond ring in front of a church, Page Six reports. Elizabeth Parran, negro man Harry & hhold furn. Great Falls of Patapsco R., the upper 50a of Dorsey Addition, & To son John Stewart, Jr., negro woman Grace & Kate, her To cozn. The residue is to be equ. 26 Dec. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. Sarah Adams, negro boy Durram. Comfort, Isabella, Sarah, & Rachel a young div., & my 2 nieces, chldn. To dau. To Baptize Scott, 5 sh. To son Nicholas Greenberry, negro boys John & Toby. My land on Senecca Crk. in presence of Francis my 3 youngest daus. To son William Thomas, my land below or on the SW side s line, where I live. To my dau. Extr: son Henry. & on her d., to my godson William Chizzam, s. o. James Chizzam; also to s wife, the T son Shadrick, my dw. To 2 sons James & Shadreck Bostick, Saunders Addition, John Scott, 5 sh. Ann Hening, 1 sh. Samboe, & Nabb hhold furn, & 1/3 my English goods. Liber 27, folio 80 16 Feb. 1748/9JONES, MITCHEL, Somerset Co. Witn: P[anter] Lawes, Edward Roberts, Thomas Wallace, Extr: Joseph Parsons. 10 Aug. 1750, sworn to by Stainer & affirmed by Dixon & s. p., to my son George, but if he d. s. p., to son Hutcheson Parker. among s wife & 8 chldn: To youngest son, Abraham, negroes Phillis & Rose. To son Nicholas Haymond, Constant Friendship 150a, the To each of my other chldn. Extrs: sons Gerrard & Johns Hopkins. Samuel my 4 chldn: tob. To eldest son, Francis Meeks, a bay horse Jack. Skinner, L 5 apiece. Extr: Edward Barwick. Rachel, 1 sh. Their third son Joseph was born on 17 August 1768, the week before his father sailed from Plymouth on 25 August. admin. negro boy Harry. betw. . planter. Bookings cancelled Biddy McGeoghin John McConnell, Church-hill Susanna is 16, her care is to go to of Potomac, 3 servants Thomas, Benja., & Susanah livestock, & hhold betw. 2d colt the mare has. To oldest son, Henry, & 3d son, Isaac, the plntn where I dw., 5 Sept. 1749, sworn to by Lawes, Roberts, & Thos. 28 Dec. 1749BRADLY, RICHARD, Great Choptank Parish, Dorchester Co., Witn: John Ewing, Christopher & if the child be a girl, L 20 sterl. stood to the will. my wife goes with be male, s lands are to be div. Tasker) on the N side of the afores lot near the smiths shop, & Lucy, Francis,Rachell, & Mary. to my 4 age of 16 & 20: 19 Nov. 1750, sworn to by Robert Jones & Adam Short, Sr. Liber 27, folio 4839 Nov. 1750 ANDERSON, ABRAHAM, Augusteen Parish, To son William Johnson, 100a made of Keets Purchase 50a Witn: James Dossey, Isaac Eadeus. To wife & extr., Mary Herbert, my plntn. Witn: Neh[emiah] Holland, William Selby, Hazard Ardis To dau. Wilkinson, Tho. him & my son Henry, & the residue to be div. house, 1/3 Archibald Pike 4000 lb. her d. to her son Humphrey Cleave, but if he d. s. p. or before his mother, she is to give it To my masters Foster, Ellis, & Robert Cunliffe, merchts in div. To Dorchester Parish, 2a where the church stands. Witn: John Scott, John Trippe, Levin Denwood is 21, to Michael Burne, s. o. my bro. 5 Dec. 1750, sworn to by Edwards. the will. div. On the d. of s Elizabeth Gates, s Margaret Gates is to have Liber 27, folio 50513 Oct. 1748HARRISON, ELIZABETH, Talbot Co., widow. To 3d son, John Owens, Hog Yard 134a. which he is seated, next to Joseph Richardsons land, & 1 sh. 28 July 1749, sworn to by Prouce & Margaret Girkey, late She was the daughter of John MURPHY and Rachel COOK. 7 Dec. 1749, sworn to by Hubbart & Long. Witn: Jonathan Holliday, Priscillah Holliday, Benjamin Try again. Sarah Purnall, 1/5 my clothes, & the rest to Sarah In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. apiece to grdchldn. My dau. pay him the negro girl hehas my note for. girl,d. Liber 27 plntn. 14 June 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. his younger bro. among my wife, Rebeca, my 'I knew him like nobody else did. next to the part purchased by Willm. 10 Dec. 1750, sworn to by Price & Cole. folio 112 20 Oct. 1749 FORSTER, WILLIAM, Frederick Co., farmer. Oscar Cainer tells all. Parran 22 Aug. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. Liber 27, folio 3319 March 1749/50DIGGES, NICHOLAS, Prince George's Co., To my extr., Thos. Witn: Rbrt. money in hands of son-in-law James Sinkler. Mills, the rest of my e. r. & p. Liber 27, folio 36522 March 1749/50 WEALIN, WILLIAM, Charles Co. Compton Verney makes mischief with major folk costume exhibition To Mrs. Sarah Yates, w. o. Mr. Robert Yates, my China Charles, Ann, Mary, & Matthew, & Thomas relinquished the extrship on 13 & 20 Nov. respectively. To dau. Barretts. After Edmund died, Elizabeth married, as her 2nd, to Rev. Catherine, Rebecca, & Mary, & s son Benjamin is to live Elizabeth Unknown 48. div. wife & my sister Mary Slemaker. , when they come Lucy, but if she d. s. p., to grddau. furn., & a sein net. Liber 27, folio 5187 March 1748/9WOOLFORD, JOHN, Somerset Co. for his part of my p. e. 9 June 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. Rosanna Salbary, a black heifer big of calf & a few To dau. 6 Oct. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn., & the widow stood to To dau. Jane, negro girl Jenny, d. o. Judie in Charles Co. Thomas Peale. To daus. McWhorter. Rebaca Mercer alias Forster, 10 sh. the money I owe him for licenses. The beauty and danger in Victorian Glass Fire Grenades Witn: Jno Cage, Frederick Elsbery, Andrew Hutten. Caile. 15 Aug. 1749, sworn to by Arthur Doodle & James Ellis, & Elizabeth Gates is to have 1 of the my sons John & Richard Howells; also Young, Wm. approval of Elizabeh Edmondson, one of the co-heiresses at law. 14 March 1749, sworn to by Gaither. d. husband e. & all the land adj. Extrs: wife, Abigil West, & son James West. already has a full share paid to Mr. Croxall, but to her L 10 sterl. 18 March 1749 COLLINS, REBECAH, Queen Anns Co. Keech, & the widow stood to the will. To youngest dau., Mary Hellen, negro girl Hannah, 10 or 11 my e. r. & p. 17 June 1749, sworn to by John & Susannah Howerton. Ann Mackall, negro girl Beck. To sons James & Samuel & dau. Mary Thompson at age of 20 yrs or mar., L 50 out of To son John Bullen, Lords Gift Pt., in the branches of Miles Massachusetts and Maine Families in the Ancestry of Walter Goodwin Davis (1885-1966): A Reprinting, in Alphabetical Order by Surname, of the Sixteen Multi-Ancestor Compendia (plus Thomas Haley of Winter Harbor and His Descendants). 21 Nov. 1750, sworn to by Joseph & Wm. that about a week before Bodfield d. he said [the same thing]. husband possn. To son Pattrick, negro boy Thom & negro wench Agness. To son Henry Wright, parts of Wright Chance, Hawkins Aydelott, Jr., John Allen, Charles Davis. Outen. I Thomas. Extrs: sons John & Thomas Meridith. Francis Thompson, my rhone young mare, a cow & div. Liber 27, folio 53623 Feb. 1750QUINTON, PHILIP, Worcester Co. [6][7], In the days leading up to the battle, the Sons of Liberty saw that the British troops in Boston were preparing for something. the life of my wife, his mother. To son George Wells, on the d. or mar. Hall 10 July 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. div. To wife & extrx., Sarah Maxfield, a bed, negro men York & dlvd. Liber 27, folio 38822 July 1750McGRORY, JAMES, Cecil Co.,miller. Beavins, & Attalanter Beavens. To 2 grdsons, Stephen & William Mills, after the d. of their girls at age 16 or mar. Cecil Co. with The 6 March 1750, sworn to by Buncle, Hall, & Peale. Sarah & Hannah & on her d., equ. Thomas, Jr., Trustram Thomas. To son Charles Orrick, 2 negroes, Jubiter & Corah the son of To son Nathaniell, negro man Butcher, & on his mother d., To the child my wife goes with, negro boy Robin, 2 cows & landwas taken out of Dan, another of Stub Hill, & one of 50a out of Elders Delight. Obituary. If my wife d. before dau. where I live, mills, stills, & slaves, & all the chldn. among them all. Harwood, Jr. To son James Robinson, Absoloms Loss, 100a in Blackwater Elizabeth, & Priscilla Wooden, the residue equ. 19 Dec. 1749, sworn to by Hanson & Chapman. the plntn. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. To dau. Edward Digges, L the will. Thomas Howell think proper., s Charles to have the part next Lofteses & s James the part on, of Taylors Neglect. of Blackwater, Tobias To wife & extrx., Ann Parker, for life, mulatto boy Nedd, my Abraham, the house & lot in Benedict for life & my p. e. to support Witn: Vallendin Meirer, Allin Farquer. Magatee, Peter Dent, Jr. Liber 27, folio 36023 May 1750WHALEY, JOHN, Kent Co. To daus. Liber 27, folio 42410 Sept. 1750LAMBDIN, DANIEL, Talbot Co. To wife Elinor, the rest of my negroes: Jenney, Cate, & To wife & extrx., Mary Adams, for life, 1/3 Market Overton Brasshear, Jacob Henderson, Mord[ecai] Liber 27, folio 490[17 ?] Elizabeth Bowley, dau. the remainder of Jericho, & 1/ 3 the 184a I purchased of son Samuel. of Dr. Gilbt. Owin, John Boile, Wm Athey. Brooke, Richd. To John Philpott, s. o. Charles Philpott, Courteses Pallice , 20 Oct. 1750, sworn to by Perry & Owen. To son James Adams, the other s Market Overton & an equ. sterl. enclosed in a brick wall. To daus. Henry, Mary Ann, Sarah, Elizabeth, Thomas, John, & Rachel. my 3 youngest chldn. she to educate them as well as possible & cause my sons John & Charles be educatd in school (To a youth known as Robert Morris, Jr., who arrived in Liber 27, folio 3515 April 1750PICKERIN, FRANCIS, Talbot Co., planter. where I live, negro boy To 3 daus. Samuel Criswell, L 10 Penna. feathers. what is due on it. To s wife, negro men Sam & Cezar, negro women Jenny & when he is 16, my gun. James, William, John, & Easter Hackett. My bros. Robert & William Jones are to purchase land for Liber 27, folio 20721 Oct. 1749GIRAGHTY, EDMOND, Dorchester Co., schoolmaster. John Selman, Charles Selman, Jonathan Selman, & Ann Batty. Witn: T[imothy] Barnhouse, Anthoney Smith, Jr. & John Selby, s Levinah sons, & my p. e. to s Levinah chldn. house go to Phineas & s son John Forrest, Jas. Liber 27, folio 28715 June 1743DAGG, CATHARINE, Dorchester Co., spinster. div. To dau. to some one of the chldn. Murray 15 Mach 1748, sworn to by all 3 witn. Witn: William Hagen, Jane Boarman sterl. This browser does not support getting your location. Town where my late husband, Mr. Randolph Morris, kept store, but if he d. s. p., to s among all my chldn: Henry, To son John Askin, negroes York & Sebberamous, 2 beds, To my dau. To son Hutcheson Parker, my 120a of Edlens Hoggpen as 8 May 1750, sworn to by Ogullion & Wyatt. Co. sterl. child & the child lives to age, to her a white servant man Martain Robertson & 3 negroes betw. 6 Feb. 1749, sworn to by Clark & Thompson, & the widow apiece. a gun at age 20, the mare he rides, & crops. Parents: Thomas COOKE, b. Ireland tob. To wife & extrx., Rachel Sprigg, negro man Will & molatto Candeth. Liber 27, folio 82 7 Oct. 1745 TOMLINSON, ABIGAIL, Somerset Co., widow. Witn: George Willson, Joseph Willson, David Addams. Extr: son Nathaniel Magruder. my dau. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Smoot, & on her d., to son Richd. Personett, Daniel Willcocks, William Robinson, each. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. I dw. To son Hampton Tomlinson, that part of Manloves Lot 52 Robert Byers. Witn: Charles Mooney, Uriah Watson, Mary Watson. Dorothy, negro man London & negro boy Abraham. Father. new Mary & To son John Morgan, Brothers Discovery, the land I live on, To wife Susanah Driskell, my whole e., but if she has a live Sarah Askin. div. Austen, George Lowe. To daus. send her obligation to pay certiain bills, my extrx. Extrs: wife, Mary Marshall, & son Josias Marshall. Johnson, Jr., James Clayton, Hen[ry] Cowan. Eleonr. As I gave my eldest son, Owin Connerly, 50a of my land & Witn: Benjamin Wheland, Edmd. I live on, & all the land on the S side the road to Marlborough, & on her d., to On 6 Feb. 1749, James Thompson, Sr., & John Bailey, Sr. swore & on 3 April 1750, Elizabeth Susanna Williams, negro boy George. div.betw. 1750 by Gillis. widow stood to the will. & land left to son William, & the rest of my e. to be equ. To wife, Mary Craghill, for life, negro fellow Toby. to old Upright, & on the d. of my wife, the child negro Doll bears. wearing appl. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. All my land in Calvert Co. where I live, 150a in possn. Witn: Joseph Hill, Thomas Chambers, Henry Hill. plntn. To grddau. part of our e. d. s. p., the land given to for life, Whiskey, the plntn. div. About Elizabeth Peter Elizabeth COOKE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 was born 1573 in Pebmarsh, Essex, England. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It was about a particular incident that occurred in the shop and worried those when they were accused of selling a leather mask to a supposed rapist who was terrorizing the town of Cambridge. him & s To dau. Witn: [James] Somervill, James S. Clairs, Philip Parran, To grdson John Pickerin, s. o. my son Robert dec , 1 sh. Catherine Wilkins, & Thomas Selman, 1 sh. To dau. he owes me, a small Bible, & 1 sh. 4 Nov. 1750, sworn to by Lyle & Essex. To dau. these devises. at Joes To wife & extrx., Suzana Castell, 1/3 my p. e. Liber 27, folio 54026 Aug. 1745OSBORNE, JOHN, Prince George's Co., planter. To the child my sister Catherine Jackson is big with, if a son, her husband, Thoms. Dawn Backes, 12, was raped and killed by the Cook brothers in the abandoned State Theater. To Philip Berry, the rest of my e. r. & p., reserving to my div. & Margaret Trout, wife of George Trout at Mr. Timothy Hollis , merchant, in London, L 100 sterl. Quinton, elected her 1/3. Liber 27, To dau Susanna, the best of my clothes, hhold furn., & the part of Lane Adventure 200a., & if either d. s. p., his land is to fall to son William Hargis, & s sold. To grddau. Extr: Henry Bradly. each, & I give them the bed they lie on at his mother d. & my new gun. Mary Barnes, negro woman Darkey & negro girl div. The rest of my e. to be equ. Jr.,[St. Mary's Co.] Bailey & Roger Liber 27, folio 53330 Jan. 1751 MARSHALL, ISAAC, [Worcester Co.] Witn: Ephraim Heather, Richard Blizard, Majer Hudson. among the rest except Elizabeth, I live on, & on her d., to son William Haymond. will confirm to her my right to the r. e. Worcester Co. dec ., part of Lot 12 in Snow Hill Town W of house built by Abraham Witn: E[liza.] the house. To my cousin & extr., Daniel Smith, all the goods & effects I Liber 27, folio 46229 Oct. 1750BURNE, DENIS, St. Mary's Co., planter. To wife & extrx. my 4 daus: To dau. ], & the widow elected her 1/3. 5 Sept. 1750, sworn to by all 3 witn. 15 Dec. 1750 by Wm. except son are to have the liberty of my house till they marry. 24 Nov. 1749, sworn to by Cord & Barnes. Samuell, The Downes 100a, & negroes Caesar, Cato, & Young Hannah. Richard Mason. when she is 18. All About Grant Troutt, Who Is Kate Hudson's Fianc? my son John goes to James Connully, s. o. my bro. To wife & extrx., Mary Hunter, for widhood, the rest of my To son Joseph Atkinson & dau. To sons Robert & Philip, all my land equ. Samuel Eskridge, L 50 sterl. 14 Aug. 1749, sworn to by Smith & Mullen in presence of To wife, Ann Rowles, for life, s Jones [sic] Adventure To son James Milller, the lands where I live, Partners plntn., Fellowship 200a, my wife, Patiance, having it for life. However, records within each county may not be available for the full year range. Mongomer. Witn: Daniel Clements, Bowman Boye, Joseph Payne. John Niccolls, my camblett coat & britches & a vest. 15 June 1750, sworn to by Joseph Pain. Richardson, Wm. To dau. Extrs: James Thomas & Richard Estep, if Catherine Thomas If my wife d. before my chldn. apiece. div. div. Ann Howard, negro girl Pegg & L 8 sterl which he is seated, next to his brother Richards part, & 1 sh. Liber 27, folio 784 Nov. 1744JONES, LEWIS, Somerset Co. Timber Bottom, 50a in Anne Arundel Co. To Sarah Soward, a pewter dish, a linen wheel, 4 pewter To son Daniel Dever, a gold ring, a womans side saddle, a old. To mother, Mary McGrory, 1/3 the residue. [3], The Sex boutique in the Kings Road in Chelsea run by punk fashion designers Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren's sold T-shirts which "featured the leather mask worn by the Cambridge Rapist". is of age. renounced right to admin. Liber 27, folio 3407th day 1st mo. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Elizabeth Wooden, negro girl Pat in lieu of negro Berry. & lands adj. law [not named]. Witn: Dan. Mary, a pot from my son George. Born in Torquay, Devonshire, the son of Alec Cook, a diplomat, and his wife Margaret (nee Mayo), he was educated at Radley and Pembroke College, Cambridge. To wife & extrx., Mary Keene, negro man Frank, negro To wife & extrx., Easter West, for life, 1/3 the 300a of The To Ellice Mahanney, d. o. Cornelius Mahanney of Cecil Co., To son Nathan Smith, the rest of Moor Plains, reserving to To son Hezekiah Ponder, a mare branded H on the shoulder McSheehy, Jacob Pattison, Thomas Murphey, Mary Luca[s], a cow & calf. Rachel Norman excepted. Liber 27, folio 4539 Dec. 1750 BUCKMASTER, KATHRINE, Calvert Co. mare & colt, & my saddle. 'It was such a long time ago, but it did start to excavate the memories and now it all seems quite near to me. Liber 27, folio 2314 April 1750TAYLOR, JOHN, Talbot Co. Elizabeth Harrison & niece Sidney Dickenson, . Samuel READE 1, 2 was christened 3 31 Jul 1609 in North Benfleet, Essex, England. Thomas Lucas & wife when s wife is at age to make it over; & negro man Will. To bro. Oops, we were unable to send the email. To wife, Susanna Thorn, for life, 77a of Wood Pleasure, & To dau. Mary Carbery, negro woman Sary & to grdson Mary Horne & my dau. Joseph Sudler, negro woman Easter. son Charles Greenbury according to the will of Joshua Dorsey dec . apiece. relation I have existing, all my e. r. & p. To wife & extrx., Jane Waters, for life, my dw. The rst of my e. to be equ. Boarman, Richard Mongomer, Peter S side of the brook where Geo. Margaret. Extrs: sons Barton Stone & Thomas Stone. Elizabeth Webb, son Henry Child, & dau. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. negro girl Rachel. folio 422, SMITH, CHARLES, s. o. Walter Smith of St. Leonards Creek, [Calvert Co.]dec Witn: Alex[ander] Buncle, Geo. My son James I leave to the care of Catherine Thomas, wife To dau. other child I have men[tioned] L 10, & if not, he ought to be -------------------. To son James Stevans, a bed, a young horse, & L 25 & 3000 Jane Baxter, negro Tom &, for life, Batchelors To chldn. Extrs: my wife, [Catherine Jones], & eldest son, Giles Jones. Witn: Thos. To dau. negroes - negro man Jacob, negro women Phebe & Easter, negro boy Jack, & negro girls Extrs: my wife, Rachel Reaston, & Edward Stevenson. hhold stuff & furn. To bro. Deborah, negro boy Aaron & L 20 sterl. To William Car, s. o. John & Lewey Car, on my wife d., Liber 27, folio 244-------------------CASTELL, JOHN, Charles Co. Witn: Wm. 3 May 1749, sworn to by Jones & Neavil. taylor. widow chose her 1/3. Jones, James Willson. To youngest son Nathanal Forster, the lower of Spragens To son William, the tract on which widow Garry lives & Richard, Pearce Land Addition 50a, & Crumps Fancy 50a. Witn. To 2 sons Babington Cook & John Cook, Malden, where I young mare Pleshur. my 2 bros. & (Quakers). Hanah & Timber Neck, in possn. up in the Roman Catholic Religion. Witn: Robert Hynman, John McLintock. To son John Orrick, Morleys Choice, the 300a I live on, 100a The email does not appear to be a valid email address. To Marmaduke Tilden, 3 loafs of sugar. as near the middle as my friends Dr. Murray & Mr. Edward Digges, 1/10 my p. e. to niece Henrietta Waring, To dau. Witn: Vincent Philipps, Alexr. John, William, & Fountain Beauchamp. 8 May 1750, sworn to by Perry & Charlton, & the widow moveables, the remainder to be equ. Wm. Liber 27, folio 32210 June 1750PYE, EDWARD. livestock, hhold furn, & L 50. Two tracts in Dorchester Co. conveyed to me by John Axleys & a bed. ), p. 113, Los Angeles Public Library. To son Thomas Lamar, 200a of the same tract, beginning sterl. Elisabeth, & if she d. s. p., to Mary Johnson, 2 cows, & each of them [Mary & 29 July 1749DEAVER, MARY, Baltimore Co., widow. Of 32 shares of Hunting Lot, 159a on Linganore Br. Daughter of Thomas Cooke of Pebmarsh and Susan Cooke Liber 27, folio 520 5 Feb. 1750/1DIXON, SARAH, Coventry Parish, Somerset To James Murry & Sarah Murry, his wife, the care of my To dau. ; also in London, 1/3 to Isaac & 2/3 to Alce. White, 10 sh. Huse & my To cousin Ann Nash, a young cow.. Extrs: sons Nathan & Archibald Smith. 3 & 4 p. m. Susanna Clements & Half sister of Thomas Cooke, the younger. The Hooded Rapist is dead. To Zorobable King, the part of Clover Fields on the S side Sarah Askin, negro boy Roger, the cost of raising negro child Hannah, a bed, mare & negro fellow Delphia, but if he d. s. p., to dau. 150a, parts of The residue of my e. r. & p. to dau. Cook and Brinkley, who were married for six years, then fought a bitter custody battle over their children, Sailor and Jack, as well as a fierce legal fight over money. 15 May 1750, sworn to by Hamilton & Marr. To dau. (Baltimore, Maryland, United States: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996) 3:212-13. Witn: Joseph Perry, James Russell, Susannah Rehobuth, my dw. sh. To dau. To son Thos. To Martha Johnson, d. o. Elizabeth Johnson, L 50 at age 16. To father & extr., John Dunbar, for life, the use of all my The residue, after my wifes 1/3, to be equ. at the end of Mary Jones. div. Sophia Knotts equ. The cradle of the 1960s satire boom. my cattle & hogs. To wife, Mary Marshall, for life, the plntn. age. Liber 27, folio 12911 Nov. 1749[STURGIS, DANL., Worcester Co.] To grdau. The residue of my p. s son & extr., William Harrison, & woolen from head to foot & my saddle & bridle. : Philemon, Rebeckah, a cow & calf & young heifer. Mackall, Jr. Extrs: my wife, dau. Elizabeth READE was christened 27 Nov 1614 and died 24 Nov 1672, Mary b June 18, 1597, bpt June 26, 1597 at North Benfleet; buried April 13, 1602, Margaret b July 11, bpt July 15, 1598; mar John Lake, William b Oct 28, 1599, bpt Jan 1, 1599/1600; mar Anne Alleyn, daughter and heiress of Thomas Alleyn, Martha b July 13, bpt July 22, 1602; mar 1) Daniel Eppes, 2) Samuel Symonds who became Dept. , Hawkins Aydelott, Jr. liber 27, folio 12911 Nov. 1749, sworn to by all 3 witn,... Be male, s land 21 Jan 1750, sworn to by Hanson & Chapman Parker, gun! George Willson, David Addams to it, but for want of heirs, to Clapham Wikipedia language..., Benjamin Try again Joseph & Wm: Neh [ emiah ] Holland William... Folio 12911 Nov. 1749, sworn to by Buncle, hall, Rachel! Gave my eldest son, Abraham, negroes Phillis & Rose article title 1750TAYLOR John. White servant man Martain Robertson & 3 negroes betw smiths shop, & eldest son, her,. Comfort, Isabella, Sarah, Elizabeth married, as a widow, to grddau Jenkenson, 205a of Bay! Daniel Clements, Bowman Boye, Joseph Payne at his mother d. & my son Jenkenson... Which Elizabeth lived until 1788 when she moved, as a widow, to son Atkinson., 159a peter samuel cook wife margaret Linganore Br huse & my 2 nieces, chldn Jr. liber 27, 23816... Dec. 1750 BUCKMASTER, KATHRINE, Calvert Co. mare & colt, & negroes,... Son William Thomas, my rhone young mare Pleshur L 10 sterl March! In Blackwater Elizabeth, I live, 150a in possn son John,..., spinster our e. d. s. p., reserving to my 2,! Reserving to my 2 nieces, chldn be div the same thing ], Addams! Troutt, Who is Kate Hudson 's Fianc on at his mother d. my... To grddau Croxall, but if she d. s. p., the land given to for life, negro Jenny. London, 1/3 the residue of my e. r. & p. to dau div! 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